About Us

The On Our Part online shop is working to accomplish two goals.


First, to promote artist by highlighting recent art and distributing printed work. By highlighting our artist we can encourage a growth in following and by distributing print we can help get funds to the artists which aids greatly in making new creative opportunities available.

Second, a careful selection of books are available to grant a wider exposure to what has been done before us. The book collection predominantly exist in the art and design realm but because of the undeniable value found in other genre we sometimes cannot help but include others.

The existence of this shop is due to the kind of support that every working artist deserves. If one thing standing between a larger, positive, and more inclusive art community is more opportunity, then it is our job to make them more bountiful. Simply put, On Our Part is just one of many art distribution outlet that work for the betterment of the art community. It is owed to those before us, and those after us.

In short, what we do is...

Highlight Artist
Giving credit when its due is imperative to keeping our art community healthy and positive.
Distribute Work
Our shop includes features prints from various artist working in various mediums. Buying a print is a great way to support both the artist and the art community as a whole.
Vend Books
A particular selection of art and design books is always available in our shop.